BJFe Aqua Marine Wonder Machine 5K
hand wired by Bjorn Juhl
BJFe Aqua Marine Wonder Machine 5K
Aqua Marine Wonder Machine (AMWM5K) - The desire was to find an overdrive that sat between the LGW and EGDM and also to provide a midrange that stood out at stadium levels. This 5 knob is the latest itineration with the most flexibility ever.
Aqua Marine Wonder Machine 5K (AMWM5K) can create sounds with many characters, from warm clean to low gain drive to full drive with thick and intense edges. It's an overdrive pedal.
The V knob adjusts the overall volume.
The D knob is the adjustment of the strength of distortion. A low setting gives a clear low gain, a warm drive tone near the center, and a more edgy high gain overdrive as you raise it further.
The T knob is a tone control that controls the tone mainly in the high range.
The Z knob adjusts the input impedance. This control is effective when running directly from the guitar, and fine-tunes the overall tonal balance, focusing on the low-end output. If a buffer or the like is passed through the front stage, the effect may not be felt. Also, when set near the minimum, the gain drops significantly.
The X knob also works similar to the Z knob, but while the Z knob mainly adjusts the low end, the X knob adjusts the thickness of the sound, centered around the low mids.
The AMWM5K runs on a 9V battery or a standard 2.1mm barrel type center negative DC9V adapter.